In almost any vehicle, the engine acts as the heart of the automobile by keeping the entire vehicle running smoothly and continuously. In order to keep your car operating at its peak potential, it’s critical that your engine stay in top shape; performing routine preventative maintenance on your car’s engine is essential to preventing it from experiencing premature failures or unexpected breakdowns.
Weekly inspection of the following items can assist you in maintaining your engine’s maintenance:
Check engine oil and coolant levels.
Not only is keeping your engine in top form important for the health of your vehicle, it’s also imperative for keeping you and your passengers safe. Below are some of the most common reasons for car engine failure and how you can repair them.
Causes for Car Engine Failure
Car engines often fail because owners ignore the following warning signs in their vehicles:
Engine flooding: Driving through standing water or through severe rainstorms with significant flooding can cause the water to enter the intake manifold, causing hydrostatic lock – bending the pistons and leading to potential engine damage.
Oil leaks: Oil leaking heavily from your car is usually a warning sign of a larger problem, so be sure to address any significant oil leaks early on.
Check engine light: Many people delay checking their vehicle for potential problems when the check engine light goes on, even though it’s usually a strong indicator that engine damage is already underway.
Cooling system: It’s important to periodically flush the coolant in your car’s cooling system to prevent the system from malfunctioning. If your cooling system has a blockage or is low on coolant, it could lead to an overheated engine.
Oil changes: If the engine is the heart, then the oil is the blood that keeps it pumping; therefore, it’s incredibly important to make sure you don’t fall behind on performing routine oil changes. Oil changes help to ensure that your car has a sufficient oil supply, and that the oil in the system is clean and free of dirty toxins that can potentially harm your engine.
Engine Repair Basics
Should your engine need repairs, there are several basic items to understand that can reduce your out of pocket expense:
Pay attention to the check engine light: Next time that light comes on, be sure to actually check under the hood – quickly. It could be an indicator that you need to replace your catalytic converter, spark plugs, or oxygen sensor.
Fuel and exhaust: Examine all elements of your fuel and exhaust systems to make sure your engine is getting the fuel it needs and that your exhaust system is expelling exhaust gas from the engine as needed.
Ignition: Check all parts of your ignition system to make sure that your car can generate the spark needed to get your engine up and running.
Understanding Potential Risks & Solutions
Understanding what puts your engine at risk of engine failure is essential to establishing the correct engine maintenance routine. Performing engine maintenance will not only help you ensure that your engine can provide reliable and safe transportation, but can significantly extend the life of your vehicle, as well.
And should a malfunction occur, knowing what basic engine repairs are required will help you preserve your car and your wallet!
To learn more about how Central Diesel can help your maintain and repair your engine, contact us today.
Over the course of June – National Safety Month – the National Safety Council raised awareness of the most common causes of injury and death in the workplace and helped companies develop effective strategies to ensure the safety and health of their workers. As a proud supporter of National Safety Month, we wanted to take a moment to further that mission by sharing some of our safety solutions with our customers.
How Can You Improve Workplace Safety?
Workplace safety should be a leading priority for any company, but it doesn’t need to be a challenge. Taking these simple steps can help you keep your workplace is as safe as possible at all times.
1. Follow OSHA Guidelines
The Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration (OSHA) was founded to protect American workers from harmful conditions by establishing safety standards for every major industry and educating businesses on the best practices for their workplaces. Regardless of your field, be sure to acquaint yourself with any relevant OSHA regulations and follow them as closely as possible.
2. Post Signs, Labels, and Warnings throughout the Workplace
Workplace accidents are usually the product of carelessness or ignorance rather than deliberately unsafe behavior. Outlining the precautions that employees need to take before entering a certain space or handling a particular piece of equipment can significantly reduce the risk of injury or death on the job.
3. Employee Training and Certification Programs
At the end of the day, the best safeguard against occupational hazards is a well-informed staff. All employees should receive thorough instruction in any tasks or processes in which they’re involved, and any functions that could endanger the entire workplace if performed improperly should be limited to employees with special certifications.
Mobile Safety Products to Add to Your Worksite
While these common sense measures can improve safety throughout the workplace, recent technological innovations can prove an invaluable addition to your company’s safety procedures. At Central Diesel, we’re pleased to produce a number of mobile safety products that can further strengthen your efforts to protect your employees.
Our mobile safety solutions are designed to shore up your safety strategies wherever necessary. Our Mobile Surveillance System, for example, constantly monitors any space that requires heightened visibility, helping you ward off intruders or unauthorized employees. Similarly, our Mobile Lighting Systems can increase visibility in any environment in which light is limited, eliminating a common cause of workplace accidents.
Following National Safety Month, it’s an ideal time to review and modify your safety strategies as necessary. Take the time to thoroughly assess your operations and speak with employees to identify possible risks and develop effective solutions to them. From conducting necessary trainings to investing in appropriate safety equipment, don’t hesitate to make needed changes.
At Central Diesel, we’re committed improving American companies with cost-effective safety products that provide lasting protection from any occupational hazard. If you’d like to explore our offerings, contact us today.
It is next to impossible to imagine the world in existence without the origin of early power sources. In fact, the early 19th century is noted for its “power gap” where a lot of stalled progress was made on the back of the invention of the engine.
Over the last few decades, massive changes have swept this market. From the obsession with clean energy that calls for a completely different take on traditional power production to breakthroughs that have allowed us to do more with less fuel – the need for engines and their systems continues forward.
With 2018 in front of us, experts are cautiously optimistic about the future of the industry.
What Can the Engine & Fuel Injection Industry Expect Over the Next 12 Months?
Some of the biggest buyers of this sector are seeing robust growth.
Commercial fleets and aviation regularly invest in the R&D for better engines and 2018 augers well for them. The massive 1.3 trillion-dollar US freight industry is expanding at a rapid pace and with 1.4 million new vacancies, it is interested in recruiting workers who will view trucking as a lucrative career and not something to fall back on if other opportunities dry up. With this focus on improvement, the ATA has predicted a consistent annual spike of 3.4% in prospects for trucking businesses – well into 2023.
The automotive industry isn’t lagging behind either. Bolstered by low gas prices and a pick up in the housing curve – which has a strong correlation with domestic car purchases – it will continue to generate demand for engines and parts.
2018 also happens to be the year that was marked for the maturity of the fuel injection systems industry. The sector will peak at a value of $72.5 billion and the US will be one of the chief drivers of the momentum. There is no doubt that the concern for a greener world is here to stay and fuel injection systems – especially for gasoline – promise to provide a range of benefits including reduced pollution.
Central Diesel Inc. is Ready for the Upsurge:
As a reliable provider of engines, clean diesel engines, filtration systems, exhaust systems, electrical components and generators, we have successfully served the national government, transportation businesses, fabrication specialists and the automotive industry for close to 5 decades.
We are known for our ability to custom design parts and extend consultation, support and maintenance services for various niches.
If you are looking to keep pace with what 2018 has to offer, please follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. You can also contact us to request quotes for your needs today.
Being a leader in either the transportation or energy industry means taking on a knowledgeable role in environmental impact. Keeping your equipment maintained and up-to-date is one of the best ways to reduce your TCO (Total Carbon Output) ratio. Properly retaining your diesel engine is especially important to decrease emission effects.
Play a knowledgeable role
Maintain your equipment
Uphold your diesel engine
Business Benefits of Reducing Your Carbon Footprint
Protecting and sustaining your gear not only upholds the environment, but is also proven to reduce downtime, increasing both productivity and profitability. Cutting/dropping your carbon production is a more effective solution than any other energy option available today.
Maintenance cuts your TCO
Reduces downtime
Increases productivity
Increases profitability
Central Diesel’s Initiative
Central Diesel, Inc. is committed to conservation efforts. We continually research and review technologies that allow us to lessen our carbon footprint. Take for example our use of electricity. In just the last four years we have been able to reduce our KW usage by over one-half. At the rate we are going, we will further reduce it to a mere 25% of what we were using as recently as 2013. Certain months require more electric usage, but overall we are on the steady decline of KW usage each year.
A good portion of our company vehicles are diesel powered. This allows us to reduce our fuel consumption expenses by over 25%.
Who We Are
We are a distributor of engines, premier fuel injections systems, and parts. We also offer rebuilding, parts, and many other custom services to diesel-powered equipment markets. We are an authorized, factory-trained, fuel injections and diesel engine specialty company with the goal of meeting and exceeding customer expectations. Other services we offer are custom built generator sets, irrigation pumps, hydraulic pump packages and power units.
To find out more about how we can help you, we welcome you to contact us today.
To learn more about Central Diesel, Inc. or how you can help the environment and lesson your carbon footprint, we invite you to read our blog, engage with us on LinkedIn, and follow us on Twitter. We look forward to connecting with you!
At Central Diesel, Inc. we have a long history of specializing in diesel engines, parts and services. We are a growing distributor providing clean diesel engines from some of the top brands in the industry including Deutz, Mitsubishi, Kubota, and Zenith Power Products among many others. Diesel engines are not our only specialty though, as we provide everything from hydraulic hoses & fittings, diesel engine electrical components, exhaust systems, fuel injection system & parts and diesel engine turbocharger assemblies.
Our capabilities also include a full service department which is manufacturer authorized, factory trained, and includes fuel injection and diesel engine specialists. Proper maintenance of diesel engines is vital to ensure they operate properly and to extend the life of them and this often includes the replacement and repair of parts and components.
Accessories and components we offer for diesel engine repair and rebuilding include:
Hydraulic Hoses & Fittings: Products include hydraulic hose condition monitoring systems, crimp sleeves, hose fittings and hoses.
Exhaust Systems: Products include full exhaust systems along with all components such as housing, silencers, catalyst monitoring systems, and catalytic combination units.
Fuel Injection Systems & Parts: Products include parts and components for multiple brands of diesel engines including Ford, GM, Navistar, and Dodge/Cummins engines.
For the latest up-to-date company news and information be sure to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn and contact us here for more information on the parts and accessories we can provide for your diesel engines.
If you drive a vehicle or operate a piece of equipment every day, a hydraulic hose or fitting is being used to operate what you are using. Some items that we use on a daily basis may have only two hydraulic hoses, while others may go into the hundreds.
Proper maintenance of these items is essential in eliminating expense repairs or unexpected downtime. There is a reason when your mechanic recommends a power steering flush or brake flush on your vehicle from time to time? The chemical composition of power steering fluid and brake fluid is to absorb water molecules from the working pumps and hoses in hydraulic systems.
At CDI, we provide hydraulic filtration kits for a large variety of equipment that our customers use. From the Railroad industry to the construction market and beyond.
We also offer our customers leading technology products to reduce their TCO. Contact us here for more information on how we can assist you.