At Central Diesel, Inc., we’re often asked why it can be difficult to maintain fuel systems and why it’s necessary to replace fuel filters so often. To answer these questions, it’s important to first look at all the facts and details when it comes to these types of systems.
To start, Ultra Low Sulfur Fuel (ULSD) is hygroscopic, which means ULSDs are substances that are able to absorb moisture from the air. Brake fluid and hydraulic fluids are both hygroscopic in nature. Engines that use ULSDs often see rust and corrosion forming in the lines and tanks. This occurs from the aggressive chemicals used in the mixture.
ULSD also has reduced levels of lubricity and poor cold temperature flow rates. These fuels can begin to gel at just 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The low lubricity is ULSD can cause premature wear. Because of this, the micron rating of the fuel filter should always be maintained. Old mechanical fuels systems from the past were able to survive with a 30 micron rating fuel filter. Today, due to the CR Fuel systems operating pressures of 29,000 to 43,000 psi, the current common rail fuel systems require a fuel filter or water separator micron rating from 2 to 6.
To achieve the 2 to 6 micron rating, fuel filters are being manufactured with different media to meet these requirements. Multilayered filter media and multi-stages of filtration create a coalescing filtration technology. This technology allows multiple stages of filtration and water separation to reliably remove water and contaminants for the life of the filter. At Central Diesel, Inc., we are the filtration experts that can assist our customers in eliminating their fuel system maintenance problems.
Failure to adhere to these specifications can cause premature failure to the CR Fuel systems that are in use today. Lack of proper maintenance will create internal diesel injector deposits (IDID). These can result in a loss of power or hard starting. Central Diesel Inc., is meeting the clean fuel challenges for the Common Rail Fuel Systems in current and future EPA engines.
To learn more about Central Diesel, Inc., we invite you to read our blog, connect with us on LinkedIn, and follow us on Twitter. If you want to learn more about our rail fuel system solutions, we invite you to request a quote today. We look forward to hearing from you!