In our September blog, we mentioned that “Clean Diesel Engines” were leading the way to a cleaner environment around the world in all market segments.
Deutz has been one of the leaders in this break-through technology, to meet emission regulations today and into the future. Rudolf Diesel, the inventor of the diesel engine, was one of the founding fathers of Deutz over 150 years ago.
Deutz continues this legacy by offering their customers initial cost effective solutions and reduced total cost of ownership expenses compared to their competition.
As a distributor and partner of Deutz, CDI is committed to offering our customers the best service solutions today and into the future. To meet these obligations, CDI has to continually invest in training and tooling to meet the high standards of Deutz and our customer’s expectations.
CDI commits $50,000 To $150,000 each year to training and equipment to meet and exceed these standards for our customers. CDI verifies this commitment by supplying our customers with a 14 month unlimited hours or miles warranty on service work.
Our commitment to a high service standard is reflected in our standing with Deutz Corporation: